Monday, March 31, 2014

Rapture & The Alien Deception, return of fallen angels.

I share this video by Lee Goodall, because it's a concise message of what is going down in these last days, and concerning the topic of deception coming upon the world.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
that is, the one whose [a]coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and [b]signs and false wonders, 10 and with [c]all the deception of wickedness forthose who perish, because they did not receive the love ofthe truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God [d]will send upon them [e]deluding influence so that they will believe [f]what is false,

Russian NUCLEAR WARSHIPS heading to the Arctic Circle to tell US Navy to...

Too much stuff is falling into place to fulfill the prophesied judgment on Babylon, the "city" which reigns over the kings of the earth.  I think the beast and the ten horns are about to turn and devour the flesh of the harlot, who had once been a golden cup in the YHWH's hand, but now is full of abominations and filth!

Rev. 17:15 And he said to me, “The waters which you saw where the harlot sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire.17 For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose by having a common purpose, and by giving their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God will be fulfilled. 18 The woman whom you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.”

PROPHECY ALERT: Israel Closes All 102 Embassies "War With Iran"?

I'm a little frustrated... last week I couldn't get online, and this happens!  This is definitely something big, of prophetic nature...  We are nearing the foretold time of the 7 year peace treaty led by the man empowered by the ruler of this world, Satan (1 Jn. 5:19).  It's coming soon.  Today is the first day of a new Jewish year, the month of Nisan, and the year 5775 will witness the tetrad of blood moons, starting this month!

Joel 2:31

“The sun will be turned into darkness And the moon into blood Before the great and awesome day of the Yhwh comes.


Proof: They Are Censoring Earthquakes At YellowStone And New Madrid Faul...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Chileans worry over string of 300 quakes in north - New York News

Chileans worry over string of 300 quakes in north - New York News

Chileans rightly worry.  The birth pains increasing directly and profoundly effect them.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Isaiah 17 : Tensions High as Israeli IDF retaliates on Syrian Military P...

Nine Tiny, Unopened Dead Sea Scrolls Found In Israel Antiquities!

Could the reason these scrolls were not "discovered" until 2014, is that they are going to play a role in the great deception, and the apostasy that will overtake the world???  Stay alert.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Jim Staley The Sons of God and the Nephilim

Jim Staley gives an excellent message and presentation on the Biblical evidence of the Nephilim and the Sons of God, and how Satan's plan involves the corruption of the human genes (i.e.  Genetic Corruption/Enhancement).


PITN: Blood Moons Update

The end of the Shmita year of a Shabua?  Will we see a economic collapse like in 2001 and 2008, in the shmita years?  And with the upcoming blood moons, which according to Jewish Rabbis intend a warning for Israel, and the solar eclipse, which is a message of Yahweh's judgment on the nations... it appears 2014 will be a very interesting year concerning Biblical Prophecy and in Yeshua's soon coming!  Amen... come quickly Lord Jesus!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Purim Reminds us of God's Love... Why the Church should Celebrate Purim

Reposted from Joel Rosenberg's blog

From ancient Persia to Hitler’s Germany to modern Iran, Purim reminds us of God’s love for & protection of the Jewish people from those who seek to “annihilate” them.

In Uncategorized on March 13, 2014 at 10:38 am
Israel and the Jewish people face many threats these days — from a nuclear Iran, from terrorist rocket fire out of Gaza, from Syrian chemical weapons, and from rising anti-Semitism and a global movement to isolate and delegitimize Israel, especially pernicious in Europe, to name just a few.  
Sometimes Jews wonder, “Why are we the Chosen People? How has that worked out well for us? The Pharoah chose us. Hitler chose us. Stalin chose us. The ayatollahs chose us. Choose someone else, Lord, please!” It’s a sad but understandable sentiment.
As we see current threats — and as we remember the horrors of the Holocaust and the Nazi regime’s determination to annihilate all the Jews of Europe — we need to remember that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has never forgotten or forsaken the people He sovereignly chosen. We have, all too often, forgotten Him. But He has never forgotten us.
Indeed, that is why His Word commanded us to celebrate Purim, which takes place this weekend.
Purim is the Jewish holiday that celebrates the remarkable story of how the God of Israel used two faithful believers — Esther and Mordechai — and a movement of prayer and fasting to rescue the Jewish people from an evil Persian regime determine to annihilate them.
Remember: the evil Persian leader Haman literally used the language of annihilation all those years ago. As we read in Esther 3:13, “Letters were sent by couriers to all the king’s provinces to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews, both young and old, women and children, in one day….”
The Bible tells believers throughout the ages to celebrate this important holiday. This weekend, I will be teaching at a Baptist church in Tampa about the Jewish holiday of Purim, and why it is so important, and how from ancient Persia to Hitler’s Germany to modern Iran, Purim reminds us of God’s faithful love for and sovereign protection of the Jewish people from those who seek to destroy them.
Here are four ways you and your family can celebrate this year:
  1. Learn – Jewish families around the world read the Book of Esther as a family to remember all the details of this amazing story, and Christians should, too. Study the story in its own historic context, to understand what was really happening, and the enormous faith and courage it took for Mordechai and Esther to do what they did. Then consider how the lessons in the historical account apply to Israel’s challenges today’s, and your own. To read the Book of Esther on-line, please click here.
  2. Pray– We are to praise the God of Israel that He is the Redeemer of the Jewish people, and of all people. We should thank Him that He also saved so many Persian people who turned to the Living God at the end of the story (many people miss this part). And especially in these times, we should follow Mordechai and Esther’s example by praying and fasting for the redemption of the Jewish people amidst this current showdown with an evil Persian regime that wants to annihilate them, and praying for the Persian people to be saved as well. Who knows if God has chosen us for a time such as this?
  3. Give — In the Biblical account, the Lord encourages us to give food and other gifts to the poor. We read in Esther 9:20-22, “Then Mordecai recorded these events, and he sent letters to all the Jews who were in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, both near and far, obliging them to celebrate the fourteenth day of the month Adar, and the fifteenth day of the same month, annually, because on those days the Jews rid themselves of their enemies, and it was a month which was turned for them from sorrow into gladness and from mourning into a holiday; that they should make them days of feasting and rejoicing and sending portions of food to one another and gifts to the poor.” Consider how you can give to the Jewish people today and be a blessing to Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus.
  4. Go — If you’d like to invest to a ministry that is providing food and other gifts to the poor and needy in the Land of Israel, please go to The Joshua Fund’s website
 May the Lord bless you, and all of Israel, and all of the Persian people this Purim season.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

PITN: There Shall be Signs

Gary interviews Mark Biltz concerning the upcoming tetrad of blood moons beginning this year, which have always held significant meaning for Israel following or accompanying significant nation changing events for God's chosen people, Israel. They also speak to the feasts of Israel which are also filled with prophetic meaning!


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Israeli aircraft hit targets in Gaza after rocket attacks | The Times of Israel

Israeli aircraft hit targets in Gaza after rocket attacks | The Times of Israel

It appears that militant Muslims in Gaza fired a barrage of 60 or 70 rockets at Israel, and of course Israel struck back, seeking to take out the terror threat from Gaza, bent on Israel's destruction.   Not only is it good to monitor Israeli news sources, but I found a couple of other good sources here and here.

This could very well be the start of the upcoming Middle East War that many are expecting.  Psalm 83 describes a war when all the neighbors of Israel conspire together to wipe out Israel.  This has never before happened in history.  It is being fulfilled today!  The governments are pushing to get a "peace treaty" on the table soon... and Youtube is rife with videos of FEMA preparation and military equipment being shipped in the U.S., and rations going to FEMA camps for unknown reasons... along with state of the art (which art?) Guillotines.

Many have received revelations warning of the coming disaster... many others are seeing what's ahead economically, investors selling their stocks, China is no longer buying, but selling off our debt.  Planes with 239 passengers are going missing, while their Cell PhoneGPS' are of no avail (evidently), leading one to wonder, if the phones are still ringing, yet the governments and military bodies can not locate it, and they are not trying Cell Phone GPS tracking, is there some sort of cover-up?  Were they abducted by a UFO?  Only to be revealed at a later date?  I know that one is far out there... but what if???

Deceiving Angels and Nephilim have been setting the stage for the world's largest deception in history, and so far secular, non-Christian, as well as much Christian society is falling for it.  It's just a guess about the plane being abducted... but I feel that we are seeing the beginning of the Psalm 83 war, along with Muslim retaliation on the U.S., being a part of God's judgment on the Harlot America, for turning to other lovers and rejecting her first husband.

In the aftermath of all this war, where much of the Muslim countries will be pulverized, messing with God's chosen, there will be a Seven Year Peace treaty made in the Middle East, along with a new Global Government, and the One World Leader the Scripture calls the Man of Lawlessness who opposes everything called God, and takes his seat in the newly built Jewish Temple, claiming to be God himself, and seeking to change the times and the seasons.

Ezekiel 20:37-38:

37 “I will make you pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant; 38 and I will purge from you the rebels and those who transgress against Me; I will bring them out of the land where they sojourn, but they will not enter the [a]land of Israel. Thus you will know that I am the Lord.

Psalm 83:1-8

83 O God, do not remain quiet;
Do not be silent and, O God, do not be still.
For behold, Your enemies make an uproar,
And those who hate You have [a]exalted themselves.
They make shrewd plans against Your people,
And [b]conspire together against Your [c]treasured ones.
They have said, “Come, and let us wipe them out [d]as a nation,
That the name of Israel be remembered no more.”
For they have [e]conspired together with one mind;
Against You they make a covenant:
The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites,
Moab and the Hagrites;
Gebal and Ammon and Amalek,
Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre;
Assyria also has joined with them;
They have become [f]a help to the children of Lot. 


I originally hail from NC, and still have much family, friends and loved ones there... so this one's hitting close to home!  Be in prayer guys... praying for you.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Another 6'r! South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

Early this morning there was another 6.8 Earthquake in the South Sandwich Islands, as well as some fairly strong 4.7, 4.8 in South america and a 5.2 in the North Atlantic, off of Greenland.  I copied part of the RSOE Emergency Disaster Information page for you to view here, and if you would like to view the map as well, here.  Let's keep our eyes up, as the Word of Adonai continues to be fulfilled! (Mk. 13:8-10)

Date/Time (UTC)MagnitudeAreaCountryState/Prov./Gov.LocationRiskSourceDetails
March 11 2014 09:43 AM2.0North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaWillowVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 09:37 AM2.9North-AmericaMexicoEstado de Baja CaliforniaAlberto Oviedo MotaVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 09:34 AM2.7North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaPetersvilleVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 09:08 AM4.7South-AmericaPeruRegion de ArequipaAcariVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 09:05 AM2.9North-AmericaUnited StatesCaliforniaFerndaleVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 08:37 AM2.9Middle-AmericaMexicoBaja CaliforniaAlberto Oviedo MotaThere are volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are airport(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 08:34 AM2.7North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaPetersvilleVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 08:27 AM2.7EuropeGreecePeloponneseMeligalasVulkán 0There are airport(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 08:16 AM2.2North-AmericaUnited StatesCaliforniaRidgemarkVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 08:09 AM4.8South-AmericaPeruArequipaCamanaVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 08:05 AM2.9North-AmericaUnited StatesCaliforniaFerndaleVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 08:03 AM4.1Indonesian ArchipelagoIndonesiaSouth SumatraPagaralamVulkán 0There are airport(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 07:39 AM4.6Central-AmericaNicaraguaDepartamento de ManaguaMasachapaVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 07:04 AM2.1North-AmericaUnited StatesCaliforniaCobbVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 06:47 AM2.6AsiaTurkey?zmirCesmeVulkán 0There are airport(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 06:39 AM4.6Middle-AmericaNicaraguaManaguaMasachapaVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 06:25 AM4.7Atlantic Ocean - NorthGreenlandQaasuitsupMoriusaqVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 06:19 AM2.8South-AmericaChileCoquimboIllapelVulkán 0There are airport(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 06:14 AM4.2Central-AmericaNicaraguaDepartamento de ManaguaMasachapaVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 06:09 AM2.7Caribean SeaPuerto RicoAreciboAreciboVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 05:58 AM2.4EuropeItalyCalabriaNicastroThere are volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are airport(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 05:25 AM5.2Atlantic Ocean - NorthGreenland PituffikVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 05:19 AM2.0North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaFerryVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 05:14 AM4.2Middle-AmericaNicaraguaManaguaMasachapaVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 05:10 AM2EuropeAlbania KamezVulkán 0There are airport(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 04:52 AM2.6North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaHappy ValleyVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 04:19 AM2.3North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaMcKinley ParkThere are volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 04:15 AM2.7EuropeAlbania RrogozhineVulkán 0There are airport(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 04:11 AM2.7EuropeAlbania ShijakVulkán 0There are airport(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 03:52 AM2.9North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaHappy ValleyThere are volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 03:44 AM6.8Atlantic Ocean - SouthSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GrytvikenVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 03:44 AM6.8Atlantic Ocean - SouthSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GrytvikenVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 03:44 AM6.8Atlantic Ocean - SouthSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GrytvikenVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 03:23 AM3.8North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaKokhanokVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 03:21 AM2.9North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaNanwalekVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 02:44 AM6.8Atlantic Ocean - NorthSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GrytvikenVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 02:23 AM3.8North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaKokhanokThere are volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 02:21 AM2.7North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaNanwalekThere are volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 01:57 AM2.1North-AmericaUnited StatesCaliforniaImperialVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 01:56 AM2.3North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaSterlingVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 01:52 AM4.9EuropeRussia Kuril'skThere are volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 01:38 AM3.5South-AmericaChileAntofagastaCalamaThere are volcano(s) nearby the epicenter.There are airport(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 01:13 AM3.0North-AmericaUnited StatesCaliforniaFerndaleVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 12:56 AM2.3North-AmericaUnited StatesAlaskaTyonekVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 12:43 AM3.4Caribean SeaDominican RepublicSan JuanPunta CanaVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 12:38 AM4.4South-AmericaArgentinaSan JuanCalingastaVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 12:27 AM4.4EuropeGreeceIonian IslandsKaminarataVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0USGS-RSOEDetails
March 11 2014 12:13 AM3North-AmericaUnited StatesCaliforniaFerndaleVulkán 0Vulkán 0Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 11 2014 12:01 AM2.6EuropeGreeceEast Macedonia and ThraceXilaganiVulkán 0There are airport(s) nearby the epicenter.Vulkán 0EMSCDetails
March 10 2014 11:30 PM4.7Pacific Ocean - East