Wednesday, February 10, 2010

America conditioned to believe in UFOs & Aliens?

I've wanted to post a blog on this for a while, and may have mentioned something about it before, I can't remember. But has everyone noticed the prevalence of UFOs and extraterrestials on TV and the movies lately? Letting my son watch cartoons (which we monitor closely) I saw the other day a Car Toons short with Mater and Lightning McQueen, and it was about a baby UFO and of course Mater had some levitation devices under his wheel wells that enabled him to fly like the baby UFO. And they ended up coming to this "mother" UFO, and were beamed aboard.

Another cute animation movie we liked was Disney's Chicken Little. And wouldn't you know it, there was a baby alien, and humanity suffered the wrath of its parents until the baby martian was reunited with its parents, and the baby explained everything to its mom and dad.

Pastor Joe Schimmel does I think a good analysis of the Transformers movie, with the alien life (Transformers) coming to earth to "fight the lifesource," what is it called, the "Spark" or something? But the autobots help humanity fight to become better and to perfect the earth.

Avatar recently, evidently was very popular with the graphical effects. But it was heavy in nature worship, human interaction with extraterrestials, and Avatars (the Hindu term again~conditioning us to buy into new age), with humans "possessing" alien bodies, and we see a human become part of the all pervasive feminine "life-force."

Just yesterday I was flipping through some channels (as it was still snowing outside), and rested on the history channel. They had some "experts" with PhDs on there talking about how we are such a small part of an indistuinguishable galaxy, and they didn't come out and say it, but were hinting around that we're a small part of a much bigger cosmic "neighborhood" of other beings. And of course, this is all very scientific, just like Darwinian evolution. (And if you believe that, I've got some ocean-front property in Arizona to sell ya).

I'm not real big on TV shows, I try not to watch it too much, but I've heard there's this re-surgance of old UFO classic movies. Certainly a couple of years ago, the US & British govts. had this hoopla to release all UFO records that they held. It made a real big stir among the 'paranormal/Trekkie' community.I think its all very interesting to watch, and to see how American society is being conditioned for the day of "selection" as taught by New Ager Barbara Marx Hubbard, where all those who are "divisive, seperativists" (seeing ourselves as seperate from God), of the wrong "vibration" will be selected off the planet. New Agers spirit guides (we know to be demons) are working very hard to condition the world for the rapture.

If Satan was going to rule the world in the wake of the rapture, it would be very hard to explain such a great global phenomenon apart from the existence of God and the truth of His word, unless they had strategically laid a plan to deceive the nations.

And don't be fooled. Foxnews is part of it too. Owned by Rupert Murdoch, I've seen commericials for, I thought it was, though I tried looking it up, but it's purpose was to get "one million minds" in "global harmony." Oprah Winfrey and other new agers have spoken of reaching this 'critical mass' of people, all meditating (Hindu transcendtal meditation), and supposedly then, they will be able to usher in the New Age, the Age of Aquarius/Horus.

There's much to talk about here. A great revival of paganism/ancient Egyptian religions, Aleister Crowley's (who saw himself as Satan's "Chief of Staff") influence on music groups in the 60s up to the present day, with the likes of the Beatles (who made big inroads for acceptance of Hindu yoga in American culture), Charles Manson, the Beach Boys, and even death metal groups (Metallica) and others today. Crowley even makes an appearance on the cover of the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album.An excellent DVD set to get that discloses much of this information is They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll at Once you view the DVD, you will be flabbergasted. My wife and I literally had to pick our jaws off the ground numerous times watching this material. You will hear many artists openly confess being demon possessed. Elvis Pressley heard the voices of 'ascended masters' that played through him. Carlos Santanya has openly confessed in interviews of spirits that play through him. America, your pop-culutre scene is Satanically inspired!

19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world is under the sway of the evil one.
1 John 5:19 (HCSB)

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