Thursday, July 29, 2010

When the Watchmen Are Silenced

Will Obama do away with Freedom of Speech? He is Fundamentally transforming America.

Jan Markell wrote an article giving the details to this distrubing move the left (those against 'the conservatives,' 'the [political] right'), the Marxists, the Socialists are making. The article is here:
When the Watchmen Are Silenced

America, does anyone care what is being done to your country? Do you think you will continue to enjoy life unparalleled to the rest of the world, when the rights and freedoms that make your country great are being taken away?

The Bible predicts in Daniel 2 & 7, the final great empire before the return of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. This empire at first is under the control of 10 rulers. Then one will arise and take the power of three, and the world will wonder and adore him. This person, the 'smal horn' of Daniel 7:7-8, 20-22, is also known as the anti (or psuedo) Christ. President Obama is not the antichrist, but he is helping things fall right into place for the coming of the one who will claim Christ's place, and will capture the wonder of the world.

Things are going to get worse on earth, despite all the supplciations that re poured out for the "mother earth" goddess. One day soon all are going to bow their knee, either willingly or not, and confess Jesus Christ as Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. And if they haven't done it willingly, they're going to pay eternally with destruction in the lake of fire, along with that Master Deceiver, Lucifer, and the Masters of Wisdom.

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