Friday, March 30, 2012

Coins, paper money, plastic cards soon to be historic relics?

Beth Deisher, editor of CoinWorld, recently published an interesting article yet again affiriming that we are heading toward a cashless system, which the Bible has said for over 3,000 yrs that it will be in a one-world governmental system, ruled by the man of lawlessness, all of whom take his mark will be condemned to the eternal lake of fire.

To read the article, go to:

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Monumentally Different Kirk Cameron (Note From Editor: This is not a "conservative" website but they got this one right)

So many of our Christian leaders who once stood for the orthodox faith have subtly changed their message/direction.  We must be careful we are not led astray by lying spirits, and test the spirits to see if they are from God.  The new direction that Cameron is taking does not line up Biblical eschatology, or Christianity for that matter.

A Monumentally Different Kirk Cameron (Note From Editor: This is not a "conservative" website but they got this one right)

Friday, March 23, 2012

American Christian teacher shot in Yemen:

A young American English teacher who was executed by Islamic terrorists accusing him of proselytizing in Yemen was described by family and friends as someone who "loved his job" and had a heart for the poor.

to read the entire article:

EDITORIAL: Destroy all churches - Washington Times

The Saudi Grand Mufti has ordered the destruction of all Christian churches in his country, and president Obama remains silent to this threat to those of the Christian faith.  In remaining silent and allowing this to take place, does he not become complicitly a supporter of this mentality toward followers in Yeshua?

EDITORIAL: Destroy all churches - Washington Times

EU imposes sanctions on Assad's wife and close relatives - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

EU imposes sanctions on Assad's wife and close relatives - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

YNet News: Hello, Iran Speaking

At YNetnews, Iranians tell of the view they have of their government, and of its policies towards Israel and the U.S. at,7340,L-4206671,00.html.  It's a very refreshing, enlightening read.

Mysterious Booms and Trembles Plague Wisconsin Town, Baffle Scientists

Mysterious Booms and Trembles Plague Wisconsin Town, Baffle Scientists: Police, residents and experts are baffled by the source of mysterious booms and shaking that have been plaguing the town of Clintonville, Wis., for the past three days, and have caused some residents to flee. The Clintonville Police Department said they have received over 250...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kingdom Directives

There has been a lot of spiritual malaise in Chrisitanity for the past several deccades.  Much of this started when the "Enlightenment" brought skepticism and doubt to the truth of Holy Scriptures.  Even today, in the Western World, many Christians live with a compromised belief in God's word.  Even though Jesus said in the Gospel of John, "Sanctify them by the truth.  Your word, is truth" (Jn 17:17), if there is a seeming inconsistency with scripture, it is regarded as not being literally true.  Sorry Jesus, you missed it on that one.  Or, it is said that it is "spiritual truth" just not really literal truth.  Do you see the inconsistencies with these beliefs.

And that is not the only problem with a compromised belief in God's Holy Word.  The rise of man's knowledge, that he could discover and understand and know things independently of God's word (that's why the considered themselves enlightened, apart from God's Truth), resulted largely in a rejection of the supernatural power that Christ has given to his followers. 

Through the past few years, being involved in ministry, the LORD has shown and taught us more about Himself and the truths contained in His word.  Truly, He has answered my prayer, when I prayed, "Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law" (Ps. 119:18).  Specifically, he has taught my wife and I the truths about His healing power in the name of Jesus Christ.

In Matthew 9, Matthew tells us about how Jesus was traveling throughout the villages in Israel, preaching the Kingdom of God, and performing miracles and healings in fulfillment of Old Testament Messianic passages.  The chapter concludes:
 35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

In the next chapter, Matthew tells of Jesus sending out his disciples, training them for the work they would do after His ascencscion back into heaven.  In verses seven and eight, He instructs them saying: 7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,[a] drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

Let's enumerate these instructions, to examine them a little more closely.
1.  Proclaim the kingdom of heaven has come near.  - Okay, evamgelicals know that that means proclamation or telling about the gospel, that Christ died for the sins of the world, and those who receive this gift by faith are born again to be children of God (Rom. 5:8; Jn. 1:12).

2.  Heal the sick.  - Christians do a fair job with providing assistance, hospitalization and medications to those in sickness and disease.  In fact, books have been written explaining how the world would not have the hospitals and assistance promgrams it now has if not for the Christian Faith.

Okay, this is starting to get to the part where the Enlightenment has seriously impeded the effectiveness of the gospel proclamation.

3.  Raise the dead.  -  We don't do that.  We hear of occasional instances of it overseas.  Haha, I laugh, because I know some of you think I'm crazy for even taking this one on.  The prevailing Western Christian view is, "Jesus did that, and the apostles, but that was because the gospel was first being proclaimed, and God did it to verify the truth of the gospel message."  I know this is the pat evangelical response in the U.S., because I'm guilty of holding it and defending/teaching it.

4.  Cast out Demons.  - Much confusion abounds because of this, and because of the state of our "enlightened" naturalistic society, we largly stopped believing in demons, or at least in the U.S., because we believe that only happens in places like dark Africa or other developing third world countries. 

The truth is, demons are part of reality, and if Satan really controls the world (1 Jn 5:19), this should be an expected part of life.  And it is in most segments of the world.  Even Islam recognizes jinn, evil spirits that torment mankind and have to be palcated through various sacrifices.  Here in America our stars call on their "alter egos" to give better prerformance on stage or in film. 

Demons are involved in the affairs of life, and the Bible clearly talks about it, and talks aobut the authority of believers over these rebellious angels.  So why isn't the church carrying out the last three directives Christ gave his church.  Many people are disillusioned with Christianity because they say it has no real power.  God has given it power to show and verify its truth, but most Chrisitans in the western world have been indoctrinated with a naturalistic worldview which undermines the power and auhtority of believers by writing off belief in such beings or phenonmenon as unscientific or outdated fables like leprechauns and fairies.

As Wicca and New Age and a melee of other various relgions are on the rise, Chrisitans in America need to stop believing the indoctrination of the world, and begin living in belief in God's holy, inerrant word.  We need to rise up and act in faith upon the authority that we have in Christ.  We need to follow the commands of our Lord!

Iron Dome changed the rocket-roulette stakes, but not the game - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

If any other country in the world received constant rocket attacks on their cities, would they not retaliate?  America certainly would, and its citizens would feel justified in their personal defense.  How much longer will Israel hold out?

Iron Dome changed the rocket-roulette stakes, but not the game - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Teen stabbing suspect: Ouija board said do it

Teen stabbing suspect: Ouija board said do it

Hmmm.  Influence of the demonic?  We see it breaking in all around us, and it's not that it is a new phenomenon, but it is quickly becoming more and more obvious around us.

Scripture says that the demonic will be unleashed in the last times, and that the "powers of the heavens" will be shaken (Lk. 21:26; Eph. 6:12), so that men will be "fainting" from the expectation of things coming upon the earth.  The Greek word there translated fainting means to leave off breathing.  Now I don't know about you, but when people leave off breathing, they're not getting  back up too quickly!

Again, we see from headlines that the times are upon us.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Freemasonry and The Christian (Article From Masters Seminary Journal)

"Recently the largest Protestant denomination has ruled that membership in the Lodge is up to one's individual conscience. This position is contrary to a traditional Christian view of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is a fraternal order that advocates development of virtue and character among its members, as the authors can attest through their own past membership in it. The soteriology of Freemasonry is strongly antibiblical, as several of its teachings indicate--teachings associated with the Lambskin Apron, how to prepare for heaven, the Perfect Ashlar, the Common Gavel, and how to live a worthwhile life. Christian membership in the Lodge is, therefore, impossible to justify in light of Scriptural teachings."

to read the full journal, click on the below link:
Freemasonry and The Christian (Article From Masters Seminary Journal)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Tribute to Tornado Survivors - Praise You In This Storm w/ Lyrics!!

This video is posted in tribute to all those affected by the tornadoes recently in the southwest U.S., to remind us that God is not suprised by these storms, and in fact is with us in the midst of all the terror and the devastation. Scripture tells us that as the time nears for the return of Christ, weather will get worse, and the LORD will curse those who curse Israel, yet indeed, God is with all those He loves and has predestined for glory (Rom. 8:28, 31,32)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Israeli soldiers speak out at MLK Library presentation and panel

Israeli soldiers speak out at MLK Library presentation and panel

In her article, A. Goodwin shares about Israeli soldiers seeking to dispel the misinformation put out by world media outlets concerning Israel.

“You see in the media about Israel and the Middle East about conflicts that go on there and a lot of times it’s misrepresented,” said Dana Margittai, a biology major and president of Spartans for Israel.

Spartans for Israel is an Israel advocacy group on campus, Margittai said. The goal of the club is to give the other perspective and tell first-hand stories from Israel, which is what this event is for, she said.

To read more, see link above.