Friday, January 21, 2011

Commentary on the Middle East: Ready for War?

For anyone who has followed the news lately, it is apparent that the Middle East is a very volatile region.  Beyond just the Israeli-Iranian conflict, and the Palestinians, add to the mix that the citizens of these Muslim countries are incensed with their leaders, who drive their county's economies into the ground. 

Tunisia has thrown out her leader, with all the young people frustrated at the lack of jobs, and taking to the streets in protest.  Citizens of other countries identify with teh Tunisian youth, and are expressing solidarity with them, making it likely the same thing can happen in their countries, as unemployment runs high. 

The government of Lebanon has collapsed, and now an anti-western Hizbullah party wants to take control, which is pro-Iranian and backed by Syria (an extension of Iran), which also means very anti-Israel.  And as missile fortifications continue to grow in Gaza and Lebanon, being armed by Iran, Russia, etc... it seems that a mid-east war could be set off at the slightest conflagration. 

And what does that mean for us?  God's plan for Israel is mapped out in the Bible, by the prophets and apostles.  Some theologians think that Ps. 83 speaks of a war in which Israel is engaged in battle with all her neighboring countries, which, oddly enough, today are all Muslim!  The belief is that this will lead to Israel's victory, according to the Psalm, resulting in expansion of her borders, and uncontested dwellings for her rapidly increasing citizens, as Jews conitnue to pour in from around the world, which is also a fulfillment of Ezekiel 36 & 37. 

If theologians are correct, this will set the stage for the battle delineated in Ezekiel 38, famously known as the "Battle of Magog."  This battle will be championed by Rosh (it's a Roshian!), chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (Ezek. 38:3).  Many and most have historically identified this country as Russia, coming out of the far north (Ezek. 38:15), coming against Israel, a "land restored from war (Ezek. 38:8, 11-12)."  Other countries named with Russia are Persia, which is modern-day Iran, Ethiopia, Libya and Turkey are named as all being allies in this affront against the tiny nation of Israel (Ezek. 38:5-6). 

Why can't the Palestinians get some of the empty land in Syria, or in Jordan?  Come on, why pick a fight with a small people over a tiny slice of land?  Is it simply because Islam, a "religion of peace," mandates it?  By the way, George W. was paid an enormous sum of money by the Saudis to say that. 

Back to what it means to us, if war breaks out in the Middle-East, and it fits the bill for Ps. 83, this will mean indeed that the final stage is being set for God to sanctify his name through the destruction of Russia and her troops, and all that come against Israel.  Or, it could be, that this is one and the same battle as Ezekiel 38 predicts. 

It will be around this time, I believe, the Church, (the true Church) is taken to heaven, and the antichrist is revealed and emerges on the world stage with a 7 year plan for peace (2 Thess. 2:7-8).

Israel IS THE TIME-PIECE.  Watch her.  We see from the natural disasters the LORD inflicts on the earth that she is still the apple of His eye.  God promised that land to Abraham and his descendents through the line of Isaac and Jacob, who was called Israel.  If you have never trusted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, there is still a little time.  Don't wait.  No one is promised tomorrow.  God holds your life, and he can take it when He pleases. 

You need to repent of your sins (turn from them) and confess your sinfulness to God, for all have sinned and fall short of God's glory.  The results of our sins is eternal seperation from the prescence of God in the pit of eteranl hell, what the Bible calls death (Rom. 6:23), but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord, for all who confess and live for Him in truth and love (Rom 10:9-10; 1 Jn. 4:7-8).  Then read your Bible (, pray and find a Bible-believing church, where you can worship and serve!

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