Monday, July 22, 2013

The Kerry Peace Plan - Will It Lead To The Final Peace Accord of Daniel 9:27?

The Kerry Peace Plan - Will It Lead To The Final Peace Accord of Daniel 9:27?

This could honestly be the accord spoken of by the prophet Daniel.  Now, I don't believe for one minute that Kerry is the antichrist, but remember, the antichrist is one who "confirms a covenant with the many."  That means he would be involved in signing the accord, and perhaps involved in working out the terms of the covenant.  Maybe it's because i was on the road the past month or so, but I haven't heard much of ol' Moaz, whom I said could fit the profile of the Assyrian (Micah 5:5-6).  And if he is 'Asshur,' he may indeed be present alongside Kerry to sign a peace treaty into place.

The times are upon us.  Great cataclysms are predicted to bring in the new world order, and I expect to bring about the one-world government.  Difficult times are coming upon the world, but Jesus, the Messiah is coming to establish His millenial rule upon the earth  (Zech. 14:9)!  LORD Yeshua, bring your shalom to Israel!

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