Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Israel in Two? What will this mean for us?

Just recently I posted a blog talking about how September is going to shape up to be a month of upheaval for the world, as the nations align against Yahweh's chosen people, the Jews.  3 And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."
Genesis 12:3

Already it seems things are starting to shape up this way.  Monday there was the largest quake in Colorado since 1967 ( and just a few hours later the east coast of the USA felt the earth move (  And hurricane Irene is projected to come into the eastern seaboard just a few days later.  Washington was damaged by the quake, and now will have to deal with Irene. 

It seems like someone is sending a message in light of the upcoming date to impose a two-state solution on Israel, one which will leave the Jews indefensible and subject to the wrath of Allah and the religion of Islam, whose end-time goal is global control and annihilation of all Jews that will not submit.

So what can we expect?  Well, as a youth pastor on the east coast, I'm having to rearrange my schedule for planned events.  But for all of us, we can expect more disasters on the horizon, as the world leaders seek to divide Israel and bring in the new world order (Dan. 7:7,23).  God is faithful to His promises (Gen. 12:3), and His word is being fulfilled.  We are moving into an error of unprecedented terror and horrors for the inhabitants of earth, and especially of those who deny God and do not know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

Luke 21:25-28 25 "There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, 26 men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 "Then they will see THE SON OF MAN COMING IN A CLOUD with power and great glory. 28 "But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."
The "new world order" of man will last just a short time.  Great wickedness and persecution is going to prevail around the world, and at the behest of the one world leader, who is at first going to be hailed as a savior, and will come in the name of peace.  But after a seven year period, the true King will return and take His rightful place (Dan. 7:13,14; 2:44)

Daniel 7:13-14

Daniel 2:44 44 "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.
13 "I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was presented before Him. 14 "And to Him was given dominion, Glory and a kingdom, That all the peoples, nations and men of every language Might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion Which will not pass away; And His kingdom is one Which will not be destroyed.
Governments are working now to censor internet communications, and I'm sure that this blog site will be censored, who knows, they may send me home early...  But the new world government will not allow any opposition.  Amen.  Come Lord Jesus!  In these dispensations of grace, the LORD has allowed us to see that, since our original rebellion when we 'became as God,' that we have not been able to rule or attain to righteousness on our own apart from the LORD's interventions in the lives of men (2 Cor. 5:21).

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Looking to the Stars?

During this time of great socio-economic upheaval, natural disasters, comets threatening the world, end-time prophecies culminating around us, are you looking to the Stars to know your fate?  Certainly something is there, as most ancient cultures around the world looked to the stars for guidance.

But shouldn't we be concerned we get our story straight as to the true meaning of the stars?  What if the modern meaning of the zodiac is not the original meaning?  Gary Stearman reports on the original meaning of the stars and constellations, which also happened to be referred to in the oldest book of the Bible, Job, which was written pre-Genesis.

To read what the original meaning to the stars is, visit  It might reveal to you what is about to happen.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Will the Evangelical Church Sell Out the Gospel for a Dominionist Political Agenda?

A Special Report by Understand the Times and Lighthouse   Trails
Distributed at Endview

As America is quickly approaching another presidential election year, some   interesting things are taking place within evangelical/Protestant Christianity   that are connected to next year’s election. Dominionist/Kingdom Now political   and religious figures are joining forces with evangelical Christian groups.   While having concern for the state of America is more than legitimate, will   Christians replace commitment and loyalty to the Gospel for commitment and   loyalty to a dominionist agenda? If they do, they will learn the hard way that   compromise and a “whatever it takes” attitude will do more harm to the cause of   Jesus Christ than good.
This article is not a statement that Christians should not be involved in or   concerned about the political state of their countries. Rather, the intention of   this article is to exhort believers to use discernment in understanding the   times in which we live. It is to show how a present ecumenical, dominionist   movement (that is heading toward a one-world religion to “establish the kingdom   of God on earth”) is operating and deceiving many Christians. As Christians, we   are to be witnesses for Jesus Christ and His Gospel message of salvation to   those who believe on Him by faith. But today, many Christians may be on the   brink of buying into a plan that will ultimately create a global religion and   global government.
The apostle Paul was very clear that we are not to entangle ourselves with   those who say they are of the faith but preach “another gospel” (Romans 16:17,   Titus 3:10, 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15).
The definition below of dominionism is helpful in understanding the goals of   the dominionist movement:

The Gospel of Salvation [according to dominionism] is achieved by setting up   the “Kingdom of God” as a literal and physical kingdom to be “advanced” on Earth in the present age. Some dominionists   liken the New Testament Kingdom to the Old Testament Israel in ways that justify   taking up the sword, or other methods of punitive judgment, to war against   enemies of their kingdom. Dominionists teach that men can be coerced or   compelled to enter the kingdom. They assign to the Church duties and rights that   belong Scripturally only to Jesus Christ.1 

Dominionism shares some of the same ideologies as the emerging church, the   primary similarity being the belief that a utopian "kingdom of God" will be set   up on earth prior to the return of Jesus Christ, and in fact there won't   actually be a bodily physical return of Christ; but rather His presence will   become more manifest within us the more the kingdom of God on earth is created. This is totally contrary to Scripture that tells   us that Jesus Christ will return physically (where every eye shall see Him), and   it will be to a world that has become completely chaotic and reprobate, not   utopian and godly.

Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also   which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.   (Revelation 1:7)
With that in  mind, it is vital to know that a number of dominionist groups   are rallying the support of conservative Christians under the guise of   “restoring America” back to its “Christian roots.” A look at a couple of these   groups is important.

The Seven Mountains of Culture

The Seven Mountains of Culture was founded by Os Hillman who is the founder   and executive director of Marketplace Leaders   Ministries. Hillman teaches a workshop called The Change Agent Intensive   Workshop and has been featured on many major media programs.
The best way to describe The Seven Mountains of Culture is through the   following promotional video clip:

If you cannot view video, click here. [sorry, couldn't get those to load]
              An   article titled “7   Mountains – Set to Go Viral” by Discernment Ministries examines the goals of   this dominionist agenda, expressing “concern that this radical mandate for   dominionism, and the leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) which   birthed it, are becoming part of the political   Right and evangelical mainstream.” The article states that the “7   mountains mandate is already becoming a unifying rally point among   evangelicals from many diverse theological camps and from some very unexpected   quarters.”

The Dominionist/Reclaiming our Culture mind-set is a dangerous path that   leads, not to biblical truth, but rather to an ecumenical, Road to Rome, “Army   for God” that will attempt to force culture to be “Christian” (something Jesus   Christ or the disciples never mandated) and will end up leading all down   that Road to Rome and eventually into a one-world religion and one-world   government. 
The Discernment Ministries article assesses:

Not only does the Kingdom of God have a different King to the kingdoms of the   world, but it has different citizens, has a different future and it operates by   different principles. One of the principles that makes God’s Kingdom radically   different to that of the world is the lust for power as opposed to the   willingness to serve.

“Jesus said: ‘Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over   them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be   so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;   And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Even as the Son   of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a   ransom for many.’” (Matthew 20:25-28).2

This is not to say that Christians should not try to be a light and the   “salt” in a fallen culture (Matthew 5:13). But there is a difference between   what Scripture instructs us to do and what the 7 Mountains movers   teach; they  believe they are "building an actual PHYSICAL kingdom here   on earth -- structurally through man's mechanisms. This is the 7 mountains that   they want to take over. They believe they can take them over by political,   scientific, and psycho-social means." And like the New Agers, they also want to   build the spiritual kingdom within, "which they believe they can perfect   themselves here on earth via mysticism" thus "they will begin to 'manifest'   Christ -- become the sons of God."3

The Call

Lou Engle’s The Call is another dominionist group that is tied in with the 7   Mountain agenda. In a 2008 Lighthouse Trails article, we linked to the advisory   board of The Call. The link has been removed from their site but this   cache file shows the members at that time. Some of them are contemplative   advocate Ron Luce (Teen Mania), Loren Cunningham (founder of YWAM, featured   on the 7 Mountain video above), Steve Douglas of Campus Crusade for Christ   (which just removed the name   Crusade and Christ from their name), Rick Joyner, and C. Peter Wagner –   dominionist figures who want to bring the kingdom of God to earth before Christ returns. The following video is from a large youth rally put on by   The Call. You will see Lou Engle and Rick Joyner watching thousands of young   people jumping up and down to the repetitive beat of drums and hundreds of   Shofars being blown.

If you cannot view video, click here.

A   Civil War?
In a radio transcript titled “Blues and Grays,”  Understand the Times states:

Christianity is about to be purified through a civil war, they say. Is this   behavior indicative of a revival as some claim? Or is this exactly what occurred   in the past when “enlightened Christians” became the “manifested sons of   God”?

[In] an article written by Rick Joyner called the Coming Civil War in the   Church. . . . Joyner states he believes a civil war will soon be breaking   out within the church. He states: “There is a huge portion of the church which   is being held bondage to the same religious spirit that manifested itself to the   Pharisees, and it will attack any new movement that arises in the church. The   more anointed the new movement is, the more these traditionalists will be   threatened by it, and the more vehemently they will attack it.”

Joyner’s solution for removing the people who oppose this “anointed new move”   sounds rather militant. Listen to what he says:
 “The longer we continue to compromise with such institutions which use   manipulation or control for the sake of unity or for any reason the more it will   ultimately cost us to remove the cancer from our midst.”

 Joyner then went on to describe how the conflict in the church will   develop:
“The coming spiritual civil war will be between the Blue’s and the Gray’s. In   dreams and visions blue often represents heavenly-mindedness, and gray speaks of   those who live by the power of their own minds – which is equivalent to the   brain’s gray matter. This will be a conflict between those who may be genuine   Christians, but who live mostly according to their natural minds and human   wisdom, and those who follow the Holy Spirit.” 4

Jerry Boykin and Rick Joyner
A name that is showing up a lot on the speaking schedules of evangelical   gatherings is that of General Jerry Boykin (once a Delta Force member and one   time head of the Green Berets). Boykin is a high officer in the “Knights of   Malta,* an ecumenical (Orthodox, Evangelical, Catholic and Protestant) order.   Boykin holds the title of Grand Chancellor in the Order. According to the Knights of Malta website,   the order is sanctioned and “blessed” by the Vatican (see 1 and 2document).   In document 1, Pope Benedict XVI “invokes . . . the continued protection of the   Blessed Virgin Mary.” Each “Knight,” including Boykin (and Rick Joyner who is a “Supreme   Council Member” of the Order), is required to take a vow. In this vow, the   Knight pledges himself to “be guided by the ideas of the Sovereign   Order of St John of Jerusalem (started in 1090 and is the predecessor of the   Knights of Malta).

Many people may not realize what the term ecumenical actually means, at least   to the Catholic church, which describes ecumenism as the absorption of all   Christian groups that have “broken away” from the Mother Church back to it.5   

Jerry Boykin has spoken at numerous dominionist events such as the 7   Mountains conferences (see May   2010) and a New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) event called Transformation Michigan. In   addition, Boykin is on the board of Rick Joyner’s organization called The Oak   Initiative. (Joyner is the President; other board members include   dominionists Cindy Jacobs and Lance   Wallnau).
In Kevin Reeves book, The Other Side of the River, Reeves discusses   Rick Joyner. Reeves, a former elder of a Latter Rain/dominionist church,   states:

Joyner’s blatant Latter Rain beliefs were assimilated into our congregation   on the wings of the mythical end-times revival which would supposedly sweep   millions into the kingdom. A super-spiritual elite group of prophets and   apostles will be raised up, Joyner states, and will transform the world of these   last days, doing greater miracles than even the apostles who walked with our   Lord. Whole nations will tremble at the mention of their names.

Interesting. Sounds a lot easier to deal with than Jesus’ prophecy that “[Y]e   shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake” (Matthew   24:9).6

In Final Quest, Joyner says he hears from a dead saint (one of the   foolish virgins mentioned in Scripture), who has told him the things that are to   come. According to researcher and writer Sarah Leslie, “Rick Joyner was one of   the ‘Kansas City Prophets’ who now wields considerable influence through his   ‘prophecies’ about a coming militant church.”7 Joyner states:

We are coming to the times when passive Christianity and passive Christians   will cease to exist. There is a maturity, a discipline, and a divine militancy   coming upon the people of God. Those who have succumbed to humanistic and   idealistic theologies may have a hard time with this, but we must understand   that God is a military God. The title that He uses ten times more than any other   in Scripture is "the Lord of hosts," or "Lord of armies." There is a martial   aspect to His character that we must understand and embrace for the times and   the job to which we are now coming.8

We know that the Lord will return with a cloud of witnesses to bring down   judgment on the earth, but we don’t believe Rick Joyner or the self-proclaimed   apostles and prophets will be leading the way.

Jerry Boykin   and Calvary Chapel
It is non-debatable that Jerry Boykin resonates with Rick Joyner – they are   in the same Knights of Malta order and work together in The Oak Initiative.   Thus, it is troubling to learn that Boykin has been speaking at numerous   different Calvary Chapels and sharing platforms at conferences with Chuck Smith   and other Calvary Chapel pastors over the last few years (e.g., the 2009   Epicenter conference and Epicenter 2008 with Smith, Boykin,   and Joel Rosenberg; Greg Laurie’s Preach   the Word Prophecy Conference in 2010, Calvary   Chapel Costa Mesa in 2009, and Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Prophecy   Conference in March 2011). Boykin will also be speaking at the Calvary Chapel   Honolulu Pastors’ Conference in August 2011:,   and his materials are sold in the Calvary   Chapel store, listed as one of four “Other Authors.”

So here we have a man who is part of an order sanctioned by the papacy (the   certificate from the Vatican is on the Knights of Malta website) and part of a   dominionist group, speaking to Calvary Chapel groups. Is Calvary Chapel going to   be one of those evangelical/Protestant groups that will exchange the solidity of   the Gospel for a “whatever it takes” attitude for political purposes and other   purposes? Do they not see the error in this? Incidentally, other denominations   and Christian groups are doing the same thing. Check out the denomination you   belong to - you may be surprised.

Presidential Candidate Rick Perry and His Dominionist   Partners
On August 6th, 2011, Texas Governor Rick Perry took part in a   rally called The Response. Perry, who announced his bid as a presidential   candidate on August 13, 2011, partnered with some interesting figures at The   Response, including C. Peter Wagner, Mike Bickle, and   Cindy Jacobs, each of whom is in the dominionist camp. Perry also participated   in a 2010 rally called Freedom Foundation Summit with Rick Joyner, Cindy Jacobs,   Lou Engle, and Lance Wallnau (an “Apostle” promoting the 7 Mountains teaching).   If Perry does not share the dominionist persuasion as these others do, should he   not distance himself from them rather than mingle with them? Many proclaiming   Christians in America are desperate for a godly leader and may follow Perry   merely out of that desperation. But if he is truly tied in with Wagner, Joyner,   Bickle, and Jacobs, then maybe these desperate Christians should think twice   about which candidate they are going to rally behind.
Will the Christian Church Sell Out?

During the years just prior to the last presidential election, an all out   effort was made by leaders in the emerging church to help get elected a liberal,   far left president. Many of these leaders, such as Rick Warren, said things that   made many conservative Christians feel guilty for voting on moral issues such as   abortion and homosexuality. Books by emerging “progressive” authors suggested   that Christians shouldn’t even become involved in politics (e.g. Shane   Claiborne’s book, Jesus for President). And while the older   conservatives were being manipulated not to vote, young Christians were being   persuaded to vote differently than their “old fashioned parents,” to vote for   social justice regardless of biblical standards or lack of them.  And, well, no   need to say what these emerging efforts did to America.

No single political party can save the world. The Bible says that the closer   we draw to the second coming of Christ, the worse the state of the world will be   in. Rather than “evolving” into perfection, mankind is disintegrating.9 It’s   because of man’s sin and a world that has for the most part rejected the Savior   of the world. Revelation 12:9 states that the day will come when Satan will   “deceiveth the whole world.” Yet just as Jesus gave the coin to pay the tax to   Caesar, so too we as Christians can be responsibly active in our world. But   foremost, let us remember that the Bible says we cannot serve both God and man   at the same time (Matthew 6:24).The true calling of born again believers is to   preach the Gospel, make disciples, and contend for the faith. And we must never   compromise by embracing dominionist agendas and interspiritual Peace Plans and   joining forces with those whose goals and ambitions are contrary to the   Christian commission given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We must   ask ourselves, is a militant dominionist agenda what we really want to embrace   and support? Is it what we want to serve?
In a powerful radio interview, Ingrid Schlueter addressed this dominionist   agenda. She stated:

We have a group of leaders who are horrified with the moral collapse in this   country. I am horrified with the cultural collapse in this country. We have a   problem in identifying and discerning why our culture is collapsing. What we are   seeing around us is not fruit of Christians not caring. It’s fruit of   Christians abandoning the gospel. And if we’re not going to define the   gospel along biblical terms, and we’re going to allow false teachers in among   us, and we’re going to link arms with said false teachers, and we’re going to   work with them who are preaching another gospel, who are teaching lies, if we’re   going to link arms with them to save the culture, we are not only engaged in a   futile effort, but God is going to, in turn, judge that conduct. Because   judgment, Scripture tells us, begins at the house of God.10

A Herescope   article on this issue states:

The sad fact is that great opportunities to present the message of the gospel   of salvation are being lost. Precious time is being wasted . . . Those who truly   need to hear a message of repentance, salvation and hope aren’t being witnessed   to. Discipleship isn’t happening. . . . It is a false gospel that preaches that   the culture nation can be changed rather than focusing on the lost who will   perish in hell if they do not repent. . . . And when the lost are truly saved   and born again, their lives will change and this is when the miracles begin to   happen and when the culture around them begins to be positively impacted by the   salt and light of their changed lives.11

Understand The Times and Lighthouse Trails are dedicated to warning the sheep   about last days spiritual deception. While it is difficult to have to sound this   warning at a time when many are concerned about the state of their countries and   the world at large, Jesus made it very clear about how we are to view the world,   behave in the world, and reach out to the unsaved. He never told his disciples   to form associations with those promoting spiritual deception in order to   establish a kingdom on earth. On the contrary, Jesus said:

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye   were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the   world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.   (John 15:18-19)
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and   touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. (2 Corinthians   6:17)

My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would   my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my   kingdom not from hence. (John 18:36)

“Dominionism and the Rise of Christian Imperialism” by Sarah Leslie:
“Seven Mountains Set to Go Viral by Discernment Ministries”:
Sarah Leslie, Discernment Ministries in an e-mail conversation on 8/15/2011   with Lighthouse Trails.
“Blues and Grays” by Roger Oakland:
Kevin Reeves, The   Other Side of the River, (Eureka, MT: Lighthouse Trails Publishing,   2007), p. 99.
"TAKING THE LAND—“We Are Establishing Our Eternal Place And Position Here On   Earth" by Rick Joyner, 11/29/05,
Please watch Roger Oakland’s powerful DVD lecture series on evolution vs   creation. It shows the connection between evolution and the current spiritual   deception in the world today: Searching   for the Truth on Origins.
VCY America interview between Ingrid Schlueter and Sarah Leslie:
“May Day Prayers: What Repentance?” by Herescope:
Other Resources:
SPECIAL REPORT:   The Jesuit Agenda and the Evangelical/Protestant Church
CrossTalk on   WorldNetDaily Article – Challenge to Dominionist Leaders – The Gospel Should   Come First!
Jesus Camp Film   Reveals the Mystical and the Militant, Not Biblical Christianity
The   New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)
The Coalescing Of The   Christian Right With Apostolic Dominionism
May Day   Prayers – What Repentance?
Gospel   More Important Than America
Will   the Evangelical Church Help Usher in the "Age of Enlightenment" and the Coming   False One?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Science: 666 Surveillance System

Worldview Weekend looks at a new technology, a flexible tatoo that can be placed on the skin, on the right hand or forehead. This tatoo contains circuitry that will monitor your heart conditions, carry personal information, your thoughts, and be able to receive and transmit information.

Science: 666 Surveillance System

Terrible times are ahead for those who have not trusted Jesus Christ and have that personal relationship with him (Jn. 17:3; Jn. 14:6, Acts 4:12). Those not in Christ will be forced to take this mark, if they are to buy and sell and live in this coming one world society.

Turn from your sins (hatred, fornication, lying, lust, fear, stress, worry...), agree with God you are a sinner and need His forgiveness, and trust Jesus to be your Lord and Savior to be rescued from the domain of darkness and the punishment of eternal destruction in the fiery lake of hell (2 Thess 1:9, Mt. 10:28; Mt. 18:9; Mk. 9:48; Lk. 12:5).

Monday, August 15, 2011

Joel 2:28 speaks how in the last days, the Yahweh will pour out His Spirit. I think we are seeing an example of this as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ unite in Burundi to worship Yahweh, and proclaim his eternity changing message!

To read about this move of Yahweh similar to Pentecost:

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

An Open Letter to Mike Licona on his View of the Resurrected Saints in Matthew 27:52-53

This is for all you theologians out there. 

An Open Letter to Mike Licona on his View of the Resurrected Saints in Matthew 27:52-53

Monday, August 8, 2011

September - a month of Upheaval?

Will the month of September be a time of upheaval that the world has not seen?  Already we are going through a (minor?) solar storm, or which more solar disturbances are to predicted for 2012, and for comet buffs, this next month or October.  In Matt. 24, Jesus quickly describes some of the weather-related phenomenon:
Matthew 24:7 "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.
And of course, famines can be the result of wars in geographical areas as well (see Rev. 6), but one connection I've noticed in my study of endtime passages, and watching events unfold around us, I believe that the reason that the natural events being as "birth pangs" as the time of Christ's return draws near is based on an ancient promise made to Abraham, father of the faith of Jews and Christians.

In Gen. 12:3 the LORD said:
Genesis 12:3 3 And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

It is also predicted that in the last times, the nations of the earth would gather against Israel, and gather together to destroy her (Zech. 12:1-9; 14:1-9).  It comes as a matter of reasoning, that as the nations of the earth gather against Israel, to take away ("divide") her land, that God will curse the nations acting against her.

Of late, seemingly the only nation to bless Israel and stand by her side is Greece, whom Israel has been willing to come alongside.  But here in America, as our presidential administration (who got there by our votes, I might add) moves against the holy land, we have seen some scary, Biblical rebukes, the most recent being the giant wall of sand which swallowed Phoenix, Nevada.

But with the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, the tornadoes blowing through our country, the flooding in the Mid-south states, and the natural disasters happening around the world, as time approaches for the international community to force a "two-state" solution on the Jews, though the Muslim world will not recognize her right to existence, expect to see God cursing the nations that come against Zion, the apple of his eye (Deut. 32:10; Gen. 12:3).

A Conspiracy about the Rapture?

Gary Stearman has an interesting and informative episode discussing some little know information concerning the translation of the Greek translated in 2 Thessalonians 2 in most English versions today as "the falling away," but could a more correct translation be "the departure," and what sort of implications would this have for the modern believers in Jesus Christ?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why the Rapture Could Happen in 2011

Why is 2011 a Possible Year?

Please turn to Matthew 24.

You know there have been many predictions in our time that the world is going to end. In fact, you probably remember, the most recent one, which made the news, May 21. This turned into a real opportunity for unbelievers to scoff, and gave them another reason to dismiss the gospel message. In fact, Peter warns us of this in 2 Peter 3, he tells us, “In the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own sinful desires. They will say, ‘Where is the promise of his coming?” We saw that with the mockery that filled the airwaves and internet after the rapture failed to take place.

Many here know of Hal Lindsey, who has been involved in teaching on the return of Christ. Back in the late 80’s, he made some claims that the rapture was about to occur. Obviously, it didn’t come true, and he has since repented and no longer names dates, though he continues in ministry about the end times. Going back even further, in the 60’s there were claims that the rapture would take place.

Why is it that so many of these claims have been made? Well, these expectations are set upon the signs and information that Jesus gave his disciples in Matthew 24. 2 Tim 2:15 tells us that it is God’s will that we be able to rightly divide (or correctly interpret) the word of truth, so let’s look a little closer at Matthew 24.

In Matthew 24 Jesus names a number of signs that will chacterize the world just before His return.

1.) He speaks of the increase of false prophets/teachers and people claiming to be the Messiah, or World Savior.

a. David Koresh

b. Sergei Torop (Russian incarnation of Jesus)

c. Mohammed - proclaiming the Mahdi

d. Joseph Smith - Mormons/ LDS

e. The Maitreya – “World Teacher,” proclaimed by New Agers

2.) Then He says we will hear of wars and rumors of wars. Anyone heard of that lately? Presently, our world has been completely filled with wars and people revolting against their leaders, even in States here in the U.S.!

a. War in Iraq

b. War in Afghanistan

c. War threatened with Iran

d. Massacre of Christians in Nigeria (and other Muslim countries)

e. Egypt - Isaiah 19

f. Arab Spring (Syria, Tunisia, Libya, etc.)

3.) Thirdly, he speaks of natural disasters, earthquakes and famines that happen in various places. Luke adds in Luke 21 that there will be pestilences, terrors and great signs from heaven. He also says that there will be “distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves.”

4.) Lawlessness will increase, and the love of most will grow cold. But in this time, the gospel will be preached throughout the world.

Just looking around we can see that these signs are happening around us more and more every day, with even the Bible belt of America being some of the places hardest hit. After describing these events in Matt. 24, he tells of some events in the heavens that will herald his very soon coming, and then He speaks of His return with His angels to gather His elect.

Jesus tells us that when we see all these things occurring, that we can be sure his coming is near. Next He says, “Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” (Matt. 24:34).

Here’s where the dilemmas comes in.

What generation is the LORD speaking of? If we look back at the beginning of ch. 24, we see that His disciples are asking when is Jesus’ return and the end of the world. Now for a Jew, that phrase understands that God is fulfilling His promise to Abraham, that He is giving the Promised Land to the Jewish nation, and exalting the Jews above all the nations, in order to bring glory and praises to His name, according to His faithfulness to fulfill and keep the promises made to the Jewish patriarchs.

So the nation of Israel must be in existence for these events to take place. So we can draw from this that he is speaking to the generation being born when the nation of Israel comes back together. The nation of Israel was reinstated by the United Nations in 1948. If you get anything from this message this morning, let it be this: Israel is God’s time clock concerning the working out of redemption in human history.

The next question is, “How long is a generation?” This is primarily why there have been so many claims for the rapture, but have resulted in disappointment and crushed the hopes of many. What did the LORD mean by generation. Did he mean 40 years, by which the Israelites were condemned to wander in the wilderness for 40 years, till that generation died out? Well, 1948 plus 40 years would put it at 1988. Sound familiar to anyone in here?

How about 60 years? That would put the timing of the rapture at 2008… but that time too is past so it couldn’t have been then.

In my readings one day, I was reading through Psalm 90, and I came across verse 10: “The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty, yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.”

 I was preparing for these Sunday evening sermon, I came across a verse in Gen 15 which defines a generation as 100 years. Now if that were the true meaning of “generation”, it would shoot this sermon in the foot! What is a pastor to do!? Ha ha… fortunately, we can look around us and see that the sense of Moses’ Psalm is more accurate. Not many Americans live to be 100 years old. In fact, a recent report came out by the Center for Disease Control saying that Americans live on average to be about 77.9 years old.

This Psalm spoken by Moses, I believe is key to understanding Matt. 24. This verse, spoken by Moses, assumes that the normal lifespan for a man to live is 70 years. And He says, “if due to strength, 80 years.” If we take 1948, the year Israel became a nation-state, and add 70 years, we get 2018. So if the assumption of 70 years is correct, that places the return of Jesus at 2018. But the Bible teaches us in Daniel 9 that the prince who is to come, will make a strong covenant with the many for one week, or one ‘SEVEN,’ that is, one period of 7 years which is known to the Jews as a shvua.

We are told that this “Prince who is to come,” the antichrist, will reign for a seven year period. If Christ is going to return in 2018, then that means that the Antichrist or One-World leader must begin his reign soon, because 2018 minus seven years brings it to the year 2011. If it is indeed 80 years when Christ returns, that would put the emergence and reign of the Antichrist at 2021.

This one world ruler will be heralded because of his solution of peace in the Middle-East. He will successfully bring a seven-year peace treaty. The U.S. and other nations are increasingly pressuring Israel to cave to the demands of Muslims who want the Israeli nation destroyed, in the words of their leaders, “Wiped off the Map!”

President Obama himself stated in 2010, and again in May of this year, that he hoped to have a two-state solution for Palestine and the Jews in place by September of this year. There is a BIG PUSH for peace in the Middle-East right now.

But this effort to divide Israel has been in motion for some time now, and even conservative president Bush played a part in trying to divide Israel. Remember Hurricane Katrina under President Bush’s watch? God promised Abraham: “I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you” (Gen 12:3). . The Bush administration was working on removing the control of Israel and the Israeli settlements from the Gaza strip. Hurricane Katrina was a direct judgment from God on America for cursing Israel

Jesus said that no man knows the day nor the hour of His return, but He commanded us to recognize the signs of the times, saying that when we see these things, to lift up our heads, for our salvation is near!

Have you ever heard of the New Age religion? It’s everywhere today, though it is not new. It’s as old as Satan’s appearance in the garden of Eden. The New Age teaches that we are all gods, that we are all part of God. The penetration of this religion was accelerated through the Beatles embrace of eastern religions and promoting yoga (, They Sold Their Souls For Rock & Roll), which is the Hindu worship of false gods, which Paul tells us are demons… It’s promoted so much now by culture sometimes you find this Hindu idolatry taking place in some Southern Baptist Churches!

Another aspect of the New Age religion is that it encourages getting in touch with your “higher-self” or your spirit guide. Disney is even putting out movies now that make light of people having their own ‘spirit-guides.’ Young people, there are no spirit guides. Scripture tells us that it is appointed once for a man to die, then face judgment (Heb. 9:8)! These channelers, and ‘ascended masters’ that the New Agers are contacting out there are nothing but demons, lying spirits that pose as angels of light.

Some Green-friendly New-Age websites teach about a coming cleansing of Mother Earth, that she is going to cleanse herself of all those of people who have an “intolerant” vibrational frequency. I don’t know what frequency you’re tuned to, but I’m tuned to 104.1, k-love! Haha These New Age websites refer to those who uphold Christian beliefs and values workers of darkness, and those who teach that we are all part of God, and every one of us is a “Christ,” the proclaim as workers of light.  The Biblical definitions of "Light" and "Darkness" have been flipped on its head (1 Jn. 1:5). 

Other New Age websites tell there is a day coming soon, when an advanced alien civilization from far far away, will zip in close at the speed of light, hover near the earth, and then we will hear a loud sound. Then, all of a sudden millions of people will disappear off the face of the earth!

(And we’re supposed to be the weird ones!)

They will supposedly be taken to another galaxy or universe for rehabilitation, while humanity makes it’s next “evolutionary jump” into God-consciousness, just like Oprah and Shirley Maclaine said. I don’t know about you, but it sounds a lot to me like the demons are getting ready for the rapture, so they can keep on deceiving!

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.

Barbara Marciniak, a New Age author, says in her book “Bringers of the Dawn”:

“The people who leave the planet during the time of Earth changes do not fit in here any longer, and They are stopping the harmony of Earth. When the time comes that perhaps 20 million people leave the planet at one time there will be a tremendous shift in consciousness for those who are remaining.” Barbara Marciniak, “Bringers of the Dawn.

Will 2011 be the year of the rapture? Will this be the year for a peace treaty initiated by Antichrist? September is coming fast. Only time will tell. But if it is not, it still will not destroy my faith. God’s word has been and continues to be fulfilled perfectly, and He will fulfill His word in His perfect timing. We only must obey His word, and be faithful to His calling on our lives.

Many Christians disagree as to when or even if the rapture is going to happen. And that’s okay. Your belief concerning the rapture has nothing to do with your faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. Some think that the rapture is going to be pre-Wrath, that is, in the middle of the seven year reign of the Antichrist. Some think that it is going to be Post-tribulational, at the end of Antichrist’s reign, as Christ returns in the sky, he will collect and transform all the saints.

But I think that the fact the demons are preparing a deception at this stage for the disappearance of (according to John Randolf Pierce’s spirit guide,) 2 billion, this is a great argument for the Pre-Trib position, because evidently the demons believe it too, and they are preparing those in “harmony” with their teachings that it is going to happen soon!

But let us remember, regardless of what day or year the LORD returns, if you do not have a personal relationship with the One who came and shed his own blood for your sins, you could meet the LORD on your way home in a wreck, or die in a housefire. No one today is promised tomorrow, and none of us knows when our life is required of us.

Jesus defined eternal life for us in John 17:3, “This is eternal life, that they might know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” Here he defines eternal life as a relationship, knowing God personally.

I tell the youth, if you are not spending time daily reading the Bible and in prayer, you are probably not saved.

The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Cor 13:5, “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith: examine yourselves… do you not realize that Christ is in you, unless you fail the test?

If I were to ask you today, do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Would you say to me that you were sure of it? Jesus said on the day of judgment that many who come to him saying, “Lord, Lord,’ will not enter the kingdom of heaven. He will tell them, depart from me you workers of iniquity, I never KNEW you!” Does he know you? If not, cry out to Him with a repentant heart, and ask Him to save you. And keep crying out, keep praying, till he transforms you into a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17).