When I first wrote this, I, for lack of time, didn't include my wife's revelation. The updated material is in the third and fourth paragraphs. :-)
Two weeks ago, my family and I were sitting in the Sunday service, in the rear of the sanctuary, as we got there late! It was the Sunday before Christmas. The pastor had brought a good sermon, with the emphasis upon the Messiah-child, as it should be. At the end of the sermon during the invitation, we were all standing in the sanctuary, and my wife and I were worshipping as the invitation song was being played.
Two weeks ago, my family and I were sitting in the Sunday service, in the rear of the sanctuary, as we got there late! It was the Sunday before Christmas. The pastor had brought a good sermon, with the emphasis upon the Messiah-child, as it should be. At the end of the sermon during the invitation, we were all standing in the sanctuary, and my wife and I were worshipping as the invitation song was being played.
All of a sudden, the LORD came upon me and gave me a realization, "He's coming! And most of these (people) will perish! As the realization hit me, I was almost knocked down. I was greatly angered, yet greatly sorrowed at the same time, and started crying. I was reeling from the shock of the realization!
I noticed my wife also started crying during worship at about the same time. I thought (in my typical man-centeredness) that it was because she was touched that I looked so upset. Turns out, the LORD had given her a vision. We had been studying on and learning all about the pagan origins of Christ-mass. In the back of the church sanctuary, we could view all the Christ-mass ornamentations.
The vision the Lord gave my wife was of pagans worshipping and offering sacrifice on an altar, then, after the pagans finished, the Christians came up up and offered on the same altar! And this is what the LORD said it was like to Him! Christians, who follow (or claim to) Messiah, joining themselves to pagan altars, giving worship to Satan and Nimrod in the holy place. God is greatly grieved! 'Come out of her and be seperate!' Says the Lord! Be holy, as I am holy!
Not one person went forward at the end of the service in the Christmas-filled congregation!
I noticed my wife also started crying during worship at about the same time. I thought (in my typical man-centeredness) that it was because she was touched that I looked so upset. Turns out, the LORD had given her a vision. We had been studying on and learning all about the pagan origins of Christ-mass. In the back of the church sanctuary, we could view all the Christ-mass ornamentations.
The vision the Lord gave my wife was of pagans worshipping and offering sacrifice on an altar, then, after the pagans finished, the Christians came up up and offered on the same altar! And this is what the LORD said it was like to Him! Christians, who follow (or claim to) Messiah, joining themselves to pagan altars, giving worship to Satan and Nimrod in the holy place. God is greatly grieved! 'Come out of her and be seperate!' Says the Lord! Be holy, as I am holy!
Not one person went forward at the end of the service in the Christmas-filled congregation!
I have waited until now to say anything about it, because I did not want to be one who impulsively blurts out everything, until I am more sure of the purpose and the intent of the revelations.
I'm sure that you've seen in the news that Joihn Kerry is in the midst of much travel, flurrying back and forth from the U.S. to the Middle East, working with colleagues and partners, kings of the earth, to work a negotionation out, a peace treaty. As my wife points out, they've been triyng to do that for years! Yes, but it seems that there is a special push by the media concerning this effort. It seems that attention is really being drawn to this treaty negotiation.
It appears that this year may bring in a peace treaty with the Middle East. If it does, that will be HUGE!!! Apart from all the natural signs and birth pains and eerie sounds we are witnessing from around the globe, this will be of major prophetic fulfillment. And the LORD has raised up a number of Watchmen that are sounding the alarm!
In Daniel 9, 70 sevens are declared for Israel to "to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place (Daniel 9:24)." The first 69 sevens (shabuas) were completed when Yeshua Mashiach was lifted up onto the tree, buried and rose three days later (Hos. 6:1,2). The Seventieth seven awaits its fulfillment with the signing of a seven year peace treaty, and the re-establishment of the Temple of YHWH ha El-Elyon.
If the "realization" that came upon me were true, and I believe it was, and a seven year peace treaty is signed for the Middle East, hold on to your hats! Seven years from 2014 will be 2021. The Bible declares Seven years for this shabua to be fulfilled, and after that, Messiah will return!
Zechariah 12:9-10 9 "And in that day I will set about to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. 10 "I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn.
Believer, time is short. As John tells us: 28 Now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming (1 John 2:28 ). If you have never entered into a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ, you can do so today by calling out to His name, and agreeing with God that you are a sinner, and need his forgiveness (Rom. 10:9-10, 13).