These are amazing times in which to be living, to see so much Biblical prophecy converging together, that deals with the last days, the last "man'-ruled empire before Messiah Yeshua returns to set up His millenial reign on earth!
If you do not have a personal relationship with Yeshua, and you want to be saved from these things, it's not too late. Yeshua will forgive you, whatever you've done, if you come to him in repentance and faith (believing in Him and His work on the cross). Everyoneon earth is going to come into trouble at this stage in history, in one form or another, but those who call upon the Lord Yeshua will be saved (Rom. 10:13)!
And it seems apparent that so many Protestant Chrisitians, who have held the sway for so long, are finally recognizing and turning back to the Truth, of the JEWISH MESSIAH. Jesus was a Jew... He lived a sinless life by keeping Torah! "Those who claim to live in Him must also walk as He walked." That is, we are to live as Messiah lived, in obedience to God's commands, keeping Torah.
And you know, I've discussed this with my pastor, and we've really wrestled with the implications for this for us Gentile/Israeli believers. It's not that we "have to" keep Torah, certainly we agree with Paul that "no one is justified by the works of the Torah." No, we are justified by grace through faith in Yeshua Messiah, it is the gift of God, nor of works, lest any man should boast" (Eph. 2:8,9).
But we get to keep Torah... we are ingrafted into the cultivated tree of Israel. So many things are happening at once; we see Daniel 8 being played out in the scenario with ISIS (a fitting name, since Isis's, or Semiramus' husband was the first one-world ruler, building the tower of Babel ~ Gen. 10, 11), the high holy days, new threats from ISIS, UFO revelations, micro-chipping technologies expand and infiltrate society at large, the U.S. president ignores the body of law of the U.S. and appeals straight to the U.N. ...
All these things are upon us... and the end of the once great, once (largely) godly U.S. is upon us. If the Daniel 8 sceneario is being played out before our eyes, the goat coming from the West "across the whole surface of the earth, without touching the ground (i.e. "airstrikes," "no boots on the ground" Dan. 8:5-8), and the U.S. is the "notable horn" on the goat (the U.N.), then this tells us that America is about to be destroyed as the world knows it! And when it is broken up into four parts (Russian, Chinese, Mexican, Canadian?), then the dreaded psuedo-Christ will emerge. As all the false religions hope, "out of chaos, order."
But that is where ourhope goes back to the revelation given Daniel in chapter 2, where the final empire, represented by the two feet of iron and clay, partly strong and brittle, where the fallen angels are again "mixing their seed" with the seed of humanity, but the huge Rock from heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ, returns and smashes the end-time reign of the Antichrist, and restores all things under His rule... and Zechariah 14 tells us it is a Jewish kingdom!
Zech. 14:16 ⌊And then⌋e every survivor from all those nations coming against Jerusalem will go up year after yearf to worship the king, Yahweh of hosts, and celebrate the Feast of Booths.g 17 ⌊And then⌋h whoever of the clans of the earth does not go up to Jerusalem to worship the king, Yahweh of hosts, it will not rain on them. (posted from
"There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death." (Prov. 14:12)
We have just come through Rosh Hashannah, for those of you following the Jewish calendar, or those interested in Bible Prophecy. It is now the Jewish year 5775 A.W. (in the year of the world), dating back from Creation. The next High Holy Day is Yom Kippur (the day of Atonement), following 10 days after Rosh Hashannah. The intervening time is known as the 10 days of Awe. A time of preparation leading up to the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).
I know on Fb, that many believers are agreeing to unite in fasting and in prayer during this time, to repent of our sins before the Most High, and to pray for blessing upon Israel during this time, "when all the nations of the world turn against her" (Zech. 12:2,3), and they will be "grievously injured" declares the LORD. Pray for Israel at this time... she has indeed been a blessing to humanity, though the world lives in denial of this. My prayer to the Most High, is that through this time of a great outpourin of wrath upon the countries, the nations that do not fear Him, and curse Israel (Gen. 12:3), that Yhwh would remember mercy, and impart salvation (Hab. 3:2).
Hab. 3:18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
he makes my feet like hinds’ feet,
he makes me tread upon my high places.