Monday, May 17, 2010

Islamic U.S. prelude to rule of the Mahdi (Antichrist)

Ali Akbar Dareini wrote an article for the AP that tells us that a radical [orthodox, i.e. faithful] Muslim cleric talked about envisioning the creation of a "greater Iran" which would include the entire Middle East and Central Asia, and be a prelude to the coming single global ruler of the universal Islamic Caliphate, the Madhi.

World, you better start practicing Arabic.  You're going to soon become very familiar with it.  J. Richardson in his book, The Islamic Antichrist, talks about the similarities of the Biblical end-times sceneraio, and Muslim eschatology.  Islam's Madhi, their supposed deliverer, in Islamic tradition, fits to a T the Biblical Antichrist, the person who enters the scene with a 7 yr. peace plan to bring peace to the Middle East. 

In the AP article, Ayatollah Mohammad Bagher Kharrazi spoke of the "greater Iran" he envisioned, but said it would "bring about the destruction of the Jewish state."  In the book of Revelation, the apocalyptic book of hte Bible, Satan is described as a dragon, who is trying to devour the child born to the woman with a crown of twelve stars on her head.  The woman is helped by the earth (yes tree-huggers, nature-lovers, the Bible teaches the earth is on the side of its Maker, not on the side of you!). 

We have seen through history the persecution of the Jews, from nearly all parts of the world, yet they have survived, and even thrived in spite of it.  Now, after 1800 years in exile among the nations, God has restored the Jews to the land he promised to Abraham, the "called-out Iraqi," in fulfillment of the promises of Ezekiel 36, 37.  Chapter 37 is commonly known in historic Christian America as the "Valley of Dead Bones." 

We can see (if we are willing) the truth of the Apocalyptic book of Revelation, and of the dragon's attempts to destroy the male-child, destined to rule over the nations (see Dan. 7, the dominion of the Son of Man) in all the historic attempts to destroy the Jews as a people.  Most recent in history (besides the constant attacks from Muslims in the "West Bank" (a.k.a. religous, historical Israel) was the holocaust, of which Muslims, and certain black liberationist groups deny.

But within the apocalyptic pages of scripture, the Antichrist, a.k.a. the man of lawlessness (2 Thess 2:3,4), we see he will declare himself to be God 3 1/2 yrs into the "peace covenant" he has enacted with the Middle East (2 Thess. 2:4; Dan. 9:27).  At this point, much to the chagrin of Muslims, this Madhi, will demand personal worship and allegeiance, and all who do not bow will have their heads chopped off, another similarity with the prophetic pages (Revelation 20:4). 

Islam will be the final one-world religion.  We see all around us, with PRESIDENT BARRACK OBAMA's complicit willingness/fear/eagerness to allow for and promote Islam in the United States of America, while he disdains and undermines America's Christian heritage.  ISLAM IS GAINING GROUND IN THE U.S.A.  Ahmadenijad, and other Muslim clerics have warned America to convert of face the consequences.  This is part of the formula for converting/conquering peoples and lands.  First, they are warned, and if the do not heed the warning, the Muslims are justified in waging jihad on that nation/people.  IT IS COMING AMERICA, make no doubt.

In fact, this may be the national "catastrophe" that BARRACK HESSEIN OBAMA will exploit to seize control of the U.S. and make us into a military state.  The more I have studied and learned, and observed in the world, the more I am convinced that the single most important book in life is the Holy Bible. It is the most historically validated book, and there IS MORE EVIDENCE THAT JESUS CHRIST WAS RAISED FROM THE DEAD THAN THAT ABRAHAM LINCOLN EXISTED! 

If you want to get ready for the end-times, and the judgments that God is already beginning to pour out, you need to repent of your sins, and surrender control of you life to the LORD Jesus Christ.  He's return is soon, and this man who garners the worship and allegiance of the world is going to be destroyed by the shining of the LORD's glorious appearance.  If you want to be preserved and made right with your Creator, do the above, and love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  If you don't want to be put right with HIM, disregard what I just said (Rev 14:6,7).

for article on "Greater Iran," see

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