Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saving the Taa-taas!

Many fo you have seen this humorous message placarded on a t-shirt or bumper sticker, that has quite a serious message behind it.  Fund research for finding a cure for breast cancer.  To be sure, in our modern ( or some would argue, post-modern) scientifically, medically advanced age, diseases seem to be on the rise.  And as we develop cures, new strains seem to mutate (not benefically)!

But all this overlooks the true cause of breast cancer.  Modern science can tell us how breast cancer occurs, and the stages that it goes through in its development, and how to treat it, or cut it, or radiate it out.  But not to heal it, or prevent it.

During the life of Messiah Jesus and the apostles, the newly formed church had a significant healing ministry.  A woman was cured of hemorraging for the previour 12 years (Luke 8:43).  A child who had seizures, and was thrown into fire and water by an evil spirit was excorcised (Lk 9:38-39) by a word from the Master.  A paralytic was brought to Jesus in a house and let down through the ceiling because of the lack of room to hear the teacher.  When Jesus saw their faith, he told the paralytic, your sins are forgiven.  Then, when some of the religous teachers thought he was blasphemeing, he told the man to get up, pick up his mat and go home.  This the paralytic did, and all the witnesses gave glory to God, who had given such authority to men (Mt. 9:2-8)!

In this last example we see this most clearly, the real problem with the paralytic was not a severed nerve, or a missing disc, but it was spiritual.  And Jesus dealt first with his spiritual need, he forgave his sins, healing him spiritually, and restoring him to his Maker.  We understand this better if we go back to the Torah, when Moses was explaining the consequences of living in obedience to God's ways (synonymous with His character), or living in rejection/rebellion to His character:

Deuteronomy 28:58-62 58 "If you are not careful to observe all the words of this law which are written in this book, to fear this honored and awesome name, the LORD your God, 59 then the LORD will bring extraordinary plagues on you and your descendants, even severe and lasting plagues, and miserable and chronic sicknesses. 60 "He will bring back on you all the diseases of Egypt of which you were afraid, and they will cling to you. 61 "Also every sickness and every plague which, not written in the book of this law, the LORD will bring on you until you are destroyed. 62 "Then you shall be left few in number, whereas you were as numerous as the stars of heaven, because you did not obey the LORD your God.

Many modern Americans are offended when you suggest that physical sickness is caused by sin.  But, is this not what the Bible teaches?  Is this not why we are seeing more diseases and sicknesses that require more medications, and when things like fear, or stress become things of personality, gender or culture instead of sin.  James tells us  in 5:16,

James 5:16 16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.

Is not God the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8)?  Does God not reveal himself to us as the one who forgives our sins, and heals our diseases?

Psalm 103:2-3 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits; 3 Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases;

And here in Psalm 103, it associates the forgiveness of sin with the healing of diseases (dis-ease).  But you may say, "That's the Old Covenant!  We live under the New Covenant!"  Really?  I agree that we are saved under the New Covenant, but our Messiah also said,
Matthew 5:17 17 "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.

So Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, which were promising a redeemer, a Messiah to take the sins of the world and justify many (Gen 3:15; Ps. 22; Is. 53; Micah 5:2); but the blessings and curses for obedience to God's commands endure forever, for God does not change (Heb. 13:8, Jas. 1:17), his character does not change, for without holiness, no one will see the Lord (Hb. 12:14; 1 Ths. 3:13).

If the Bible teaches this is so, how do we cure breast cancer?  Once a young man had a mother dying of breast cancer.  She spent lots of money going to different doctors to be cured of her cancer.  It was all to no avail.  Then his mother went to a prayer meeting when she was in the last stages of cancer.  Death was imminent.   At the end of the meeting, she went forward for prayer, and was completely healed of her breast cancer!  He dedicated the rest  of his life to finding out how this happened.

Now Henry Wright is a pastor and has a health ministry he has carried out for years where he teaches about the spiritual causes ('roots') of diseease and sickness.  Many thousands have come to health through his ministry today.  He also has written a book about many of these spiritual roots, and living in holiness (health) called A More Excellent Way.

In this book, he shows where the spiritual roots of women who have breast cancer are rooted in bitterness and hatred (a fruit of bitternes) with her mother, sisters or a close female relative.  And it makes sense, the breasts are what engenders a woman's nurturing aspects... but when bitterness gets rooted in their lives spiritually, this effects the 'nurturing hormones' secreted in her body.  But when women realize the sin in their lives, and they make those relationships right, and repent before God, the cancer is healed!  It disappears!  Just like God's word teaches (Jas 5:16)!  Repenting of sin, and restoring relationships, is a lot easier (at least in the long run), and less painful, physically and emotionally, than going through months of chemotherapy and losing hair!  Let us identify the sin in our lives, repent of it, and obey God's word!  Amen.

For more info on Wright, and if you know of someone with breast cancer, go to:

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