Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Call to Final Jihad!

I don’t often approve of all the content or approach of Pamela Geller's take on the news, but she has conservative values and covers stories that I don't see others following. One thing she has been good at is tracking the Islamic advance into the Western world (along with Daniel Pipes, jihadwatch and MEMRI).

Ms. Geller recently posted an article revealing a (quite serious, I believe) call on an Islamic website. It's a call for a Final Jihad: http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/04/top-ranked-islamic-site-calls-for-the-final-jihad.html. The time seems right. In Iran they have been holding conferences on HOW to hasten the coming of the Madhi, their Twelfth Imam, or savior, which is the equivalent to the Christian Antichrist. Oh, he'll come with a peace plan... after a time of global chaos caused by the masses that are deceived into following this demon called Allah.

The Iranian nuke crisis is coming to a head, with Obama taking an increasingly anti-Semitic stance, and not pushing through against with sanctions (nor actions) against Iran. The Jordanian king recently said that war with Israel is very likely this summer. Turkey has turned from its Western alliances and turned back to alliance with the Ummah (the Islamic brotherhood), especially Iran. Muslims continue to fire rockets into the south of Israel.

It seems a very considerble scenario, when taken into account all prophetic considerations, and current trends in international politics. Maitreya supposedly started his coming out (www.share-interantional.org), as the fulfillment of world religions. A Mr. Raj Patel has come forward with a philosophy of going to a currency-less system of life, and a book titled, The Value of Nothing. A nation wide attack on our major centers of commerce and banking would bring America to a halt, and would enable FEMA and national guard to assume national control. We already live in the U.S.S.A., but it could very soon become a military state. This effectively removes America from the scene of prophecy with regards to the Middle East.

The infighting of America will not be its downfall. A major Muslim attack, carried out in fulfillment of their religious edicts to bring in their Madhi, will be our downfall. Don’t let anyone deceive you. They WILL carry out their religion. Be preparing, we have seen the handwriting on the wall. America’s days are numbered.

20 He who testifies about these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! 21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen.

Rev 22:20-21 (HCSB)

If you've never trusted Christ as your Lord and Savior, or maybe you "trusted" Christ, but weren't reborn into a new creature.  Christ died as the atoning sacrifice for you, to forgive your sins and reconcile you to a holy, just, almightly God who created us and made us for His own glory.  Scripture declares that He works all things according to His will, for the praise of His glory.
You need to cry out to Him who has the power to destroy both your soul and body in hell.  Repent of the sins you've committed against Him.  Have you become angry with someone?  Jesus says that you have committed murder in your heart.  Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you? Then you're a thief.  Have you ever took the Lord's name in vain?  Then you're a blasphemer.  Do you think that you will go free on the day of judgment, when all mankind has to give an account before their Maker? 

You need to repent of your sins and ask forgiveness, and surrender control of your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  For one day every knee will bow, and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Phil 2:10,11). 

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