Sunday, February 6, 2011

Good News from Egypt

The Media has shown mass repeated footage of rioting, fighting, protesting in the streets, and victims of the violence.  Since the people began to call for the resignation of Mubarak, this has been the focus of the news.  With all the negative images coming from the Middle-East, it could be tempting for an individual to despair.

But there is some good news coming out of Egypt, which of course the mainstream media is not going to cover.  The body of Christ in the country of Egypt is seeing an expansion.  Tom Doyle, VP and Middle-East Director for e3 partners tells us of some of the information that he is receiving from within Egypt.

Actually, many ministries in that Biblical country are seeing God moving in very powerful ways in recent years. Egyptians are coming to faith in Christ, growing in their faith, pastors are being trained and encouraged, and the Church as a whole is growing. One ministry, for example, saw some 3,100 people pray to receive Christ and numerous churches planted throughout the country in 2010 alone. An medical ministry team serving in Egypt recently saw over 100 people become followers of Jesus. And these young national believers are committed to reaching even the most remote villages with the Gospel and to also leave behind a life-giving church that disciples the believers. God is clearly moving powerfully in the land of the Pharaohs.

We have been talking with friends and allies in Egypt during this new political and economic crisis and they are thankful for all the prayers of believers from around the world. Please continue to pray for their families and the rest of the great young leaders who have been discipled and are now church leaders in Egypt. Nine of our Egyptian workers went to prison last year for sharing Christ. But by God’s grace and the prayers of the saints, they were released soon after and remain deeply committed to serving the Lord. They thank God for the persecution and tell us: "When we believers are persecuted we go underground, and while we are there our roots grow strong and healthy. We then emerge more fit to be Christ's ambassadors and more willing to stand firm in the midst of the persecution."

Many of the believers are calling the church to more prayer and fasting all throughout Egypt. Let’s join them.

Amen.  Often when the riches of the world are taken from people, or these empty promises of fulfillment and satisfaction collapse, only then can they be opened to realize their true need for salvation through Jesus Christ.  It is when the riches of the world fail us that God rises and shows His majesty and His power, His salvation through the crucified and resurrected Lord Jesus. 

To read Mr. Doyle's full article, go to Joshua Fund:

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